ONE DAY: Breaking Into the College Market .

ONE DAY: Breaking Into the College Market
February 28th, 2015 at 2:00PM
Additional Show Dates :

Flappers Comedy Club Burbank- Yoo Hoo Room
102 East Magnolia, Burbank, CA 91502

TICKETS: $75.00
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If you've ever thought about taking your stand up comedy act into the unique (and high-paying!) world of college comedy, NOW is the time to get prepared! Submissions selections run from May-Sept, and Conference Season is Oct through Nov - are you ready for the next opportunity? In this workshop taught by Barbara Holliday (co-founder of Flappers Comedy Clubs and college agent for H2F Comedy Productions), you'll learn how the college market works, what is NACA, what is APCA, how best to make sure your act appeals to buyers in the college market and how to find, attract and secure a college agent of your own!

(PREREQUISITE: Prior completion of the "Marketing and Promoting Yourself" workshop is REQUIRED to attend the "Breaking Into the College Market" workshop)