ONE DAY: Getting Booked on the Road.

ONE DAY: Getting Booked on the Road
May 6th, 2017 at 1:00PM
Additional Show Dates :

Flappers Comedy University - Waldorf Room
118 E. Magnolia Blvd, Burbank, Ca 91502

TICKETS: $49.00
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You've developed the act... you've gotten the laughs... now where's the money?!?

In this workshop, taught by Ken Pringle (Dean of Classes for Flappers University and former Personal Appearances agent for Mavrick Artists Agency), you will learn the skills you'll need to take your stand-up act and create a workable business model with it - what bookers are looking for, which markets to target, how to create your press materials, how to use merchandising to create ancillary income streams, and more.