Celeste Davis

Celeste Davis hit comedy gold the moment she arrived in the world. Born to Jewish hippie nudist parents in the very heart of Orange County, California. Celeste, like any kid, rebelled against her parents’ beliefs. Still, they were hippies, so about the best she could do was make a U-turn towards conservative values, values that demanded she wear clothes. Values that required her to avoid the magic brownies. Values that included electricity. Values that made her actually want to become an accountant.

Celeste’s stories about her pot-smoking parents and their disappointment in her conservative ideals resonate with audiences everywhere; her personal style engages the crowd even more.

Performing to packed houses all over Southern California in clubs like The Irvine Improv, The Brea Improv, The Hollywood Improv, The Ontario Improv, The Queen Mary, The Ice House, Flappers in Burbank and Claremont. Celeste continues to stack up credits and fans!