Bear Badeaux
2 Broke Girls
Adult Swim's Black Jesus
Mind of Mencia
Intel National Commercial
Dairy Queen National Com.

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Bear Badeaux is a comedian, writer, and improviser from down the bayou Louisiana that now lives in Los Angeles, CA. Bear has performed on the mainstage at many improv comedy clubs including UCB, Second City, and LA Connection. His team Drunkards and Dragons currently performs at The Pack and multiple theatres. He recently won the award for best Duo in â€"Claude” as well as a jury prize award. You can also see Bear in the award winning feature film â€"Holden On” on all platforms.
As a director, Bear's film "Cyber Mac" was nominated for 8 awards at the Mockfest Film Festival at Raleigh Studios. Cyber Mac won BEST SHORT FILM in the festival.
On Screen you can find Bear on CBS's 2 Broke Girls and Adult Swim's Black Jesus. He is currently in three national commercial campaigns for INTEL, APPLE, and DAIRY QUEEN and many more.