Amanda Grace
Pizza's Ready (short)
Italian cookie commercial
lots of background work
training & safety videos

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Amanda Grace is a recovering stay-at-home-mom of 3 (soon to be 4) who made the mistake of attempting to homeschool her children without any of the necessary skills or personality traits. A socially awkward klutz with a heart of gold, she has a natural gift for f*-ing up just about any situation. Walks too slow. Talks too fast. Certified Laughter Yoga Leader. Writer of a thousand unfinished projects. Dreamer. Born Southern Baptist and at one point a real pain-in-the-ass Bible thumper, she’s now grateful to be a complete agnostic who knows nothing about anything. Gives fantastic hugs. Bakes the world’s best carrot cake. Once made a hot air balloon-shaped piñata. Birthed 2 of her children at home with no midwife or doula in an inflatable tubâ€"no pain, no pushing, just pure fun. She’s currently writing a book about her birthing experiences, to be published… eventually?