Michelle Tea
Modern Tarot (book)
Black Wave (novel)
How to Grow Up (essays)
Rent Girl (memoir)
Valencia (memoir)

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Michelle Tea grew up in one of those shitty New England town Ben Affleck is always shooting a movie in. When she hit her twenties she went queer and ran away to San Francisco to party. She is the author of eleven books on various subjects, mainly herself. Her memoir Valencia is a cult classic and was turned into an unwieldy art film by twenty-one individual directors, including Jill Soloway. Her most recent books are the dystopic fantasia Black Wave and the tarot how-to Modern Tarot. She is the creator of the popular Drag Queen Story Hour, editor of a queer publishing imprint, Amethyst Editions, at Feminist Press, and produces performance events around town. She moved to Los Angeles to claw her way into the entertainment industry, and lives in the suburbs with her mannish wife and their gayby.