Sue Boxrud

College Agent
BassSchuler Entertainment

Sue Boxrud began in the business as a student co-chair of the Luther College Concerts Committee. Upon graduation, Sue moved from the corn fields of Iowa to Minneapolis and began her life’s work as a talent agent in the college market. Fast forward 15 years; Sue has been a volunteer for NACA, won some awards, booked thousands of shows, and most importantly helped artists, entertainers, students and staff navigate the booking process with ease. Sue took a short hiatus, developed an online resource guide for acts looking to get into the college market, opened her own agency and within months merged that company with Bass/Schuler Entertainment which brings us to today. Personally, Sue is a wife and a mom to 2 little girls and a dog mom to a mutt named Jack. She enjoys live entertainment (although bedtimes keep her from seeing much), football, and a good IPA.