Meli Belli
Inmate Shameless
Hostess MeliBelliShow
Cheerleader Hang Time
Fairy Shoushanik
Margarita West Side Story

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Meline has been in the arts since she was little girl but didn't pursue acting until the late 90s and joined the unions. AKA as the hostess of thee Meli Belli Show running weekly open mics and monthly shows she produced and Starred in. After her pregnancy she took break to embrace motherhood and oh boy did she. Born in Armenia, raised in LA, currently residing in Burbank, Meline loves to sing, dance and play with her daughter and garden. She comes from a big family and once you are invited to one of her parties you are fam for life. She enjoys making people laugh as much as propogating succulents. Esthetician/Makeup Artist by day and comic by night this bellydancing comedian is ready to get back on stage and spread joy and laughter thru her silly storytelling. Thank you for reading up to this.