Joseph Adams

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Based in Los Angeles, California, by way of Cleveland, Ohio, comedy has always been an interest of Joseph Adams. He fell in love around 2005. Joseph began to struggle with the disease, Makuladegeneration, which took over his sight. After a long stretch of 7 years, Joseph thought he would never get back on stage. Upon sitting in and watching his friend do standup, he had this very vivid revelation where Joseph saw himself on the stage again. Blind comedy. The visually animated storytelling style that Joseph has incorporated into his act keeps his audience on the edge of their seats laughing. The act is a perspective of Joseph’s mind; of some of the experience he’s felt and gone through since he’s lost his sight. â€"It’s called My View,” says Joseph.

05/25/24 7PM Speakeasy Underground Showcase
Flappers Comedy Club Burbank- Yoo Hoo Room