…The variety of classes that were offered was really wonderful too! Some I didn’t even realize I would need to know…

Dear Barbara, Joshua, and Paul,I’m writing this now before the Best of Fest show at 12:30am and I’m too keyed up and can’t form a sentence to express myself appropriately. (And I’m so thrilled and honored to be a part of that!! Thank you!) Thank you for everything you have done for everyone for these past […]

“Thanks for giving the older dudes and dudettes a chance.”

Dear Barbara, Josh, Paul, Ira and everyone at Flappers (including all of your wonderful emcees),You and your team did a real mitzvah last week by gathering together our comedy tribeand letting us do what we love to do.Thank you.Barbara, you have two fans in Carole Montgomery and Julia Scotti.I was just on their streaming show, […]