Best Of The Fest 2020 Showcasing Comedians

Chris Barnes
Greg Benevent
Maria Bruggere
Andee Buccheri
Dave Carter
Evan Causey
Kyle Chrise
Collin Christopher
Macy Collins
James P. Connolly
Chris Costanzo
Eric Deskin
Marjan Fathi
Marisa Galvez
Dan Green
Sarah Hartshorne
Mark Hoffmeier
Vishal Kal
Jen Kay
Jeremy Klein – ThoseKleinBoyz
Kyle Klein – ThoseKleinBoyz
Aalaya Kolli
Dan Levin
Matthew Lord
Victor Luna
Danny Martin
Adario Mercadante
Erin Mohr
Kyle More
Ben Morrison
Sam Morrison
Adam Muller
Andrew Orolfo
Vickie Plummer
Mike Andre
Jess Porter
Sean Porter
Poly Poptart – The Original Drag Intro Comedian
JP Puthenveetil
Kelly Reilly
Hallie K Reiss
Kris DJ Robinson
Ryan Roe
Susan Saiger
Marcelous “LycanNerd” Sammuel
Rajiv Satyal
Katie Schindelheim
Matthew Schmuck
Sam See
Matt Shore
Lorinda Hawkins Smith
Kobe Smith
Gianmarco Soresi
Awet Teame
Taylor Tobin
Karla Tofte
Erin Tracy
Jazmyn W
Rachel Warden
Britny Rose
Dwight Wilridge
Maxi Witrak
Angela Yonts
Katherine Yoon
Kelly Zemnickis
Anthony Zuccaro

Additionally, we will be screening all six short films from our 48 Hour Film Festival:
Weebleston and Chatch
Adam Cagley

The Park In Corona Times
Catherine Chen and Nathan Charles

Mask Magic
Valerie Paschall

Real Americans Talk About Masks and Children with Ivanka
Hallie Hoffmeister

Nicole Majdali

Mask Walk With Me
Joshua Snyder